IP Violation & Removal

Please take a moment to review our IP violation and removal policy and procedures.


IP Violation & Removal

Please take a moment to review our IP violation and removal policy and procedures.


IP Violation & Removal

Please take a moment to review our IP violation and removal policy and procedures.

IP Violation and Removal Policy

This Policy pertains to the content provided by CreateColoringPage.com (“the Company”) through the website at createcoloringpage.com.

1. Terminology and Explanation

In this Policy, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

"Operational Day" refers to any day excluding Saturday or Sunday when conventional banks are open for their full range of standard services.

"Violation Material" means any content disseminated by the Company that is alleged (and/or confirmed) to infringe on any Intellectual Property Rights.

"Intellectual Property Rights" include all patents, rights in inventions, rights in designs, trademarks, trade and business names, and all related goodwill, rights to sue for passing off or unfair competition, copyright, moral rights, rights in databases, topography rights, domain names, rights in confidential information (including know-how and trade secrets), and all other similar or equivalent rights anywhere in the world, whether registered or unregistered, and including all applications for, and renewals or extensions of, such rights throughout their full term.

"Notification" means a message received by the Company informing us of an alleged violation.

2. Notification and Removal

The Company strives to ensure that all content provided does not infringe on the Intellectual Property Rights of any third party. However, the possibility of such an infringement cannot be entirely excluded.

Any third party who believes that any content belonging to them has been used by the Company without the necessary authorization is encouraged to contact the Company using the procedures outlined below.

3. Notification Procedure

If you identify any material protected by Intellectual Property Rights that belongs to you in any content disseminated by the Company, you should immediately notify the Company using the following procedure:

At the bottom of this page select "Report Violation" and provide the following information:

  • Your identity and contact details;

  • Detailed information about the content you believe is infringing. This may include URLs, annotated copies of content containing the violation material, screenshots, and/or any other evidence you consider relevant;

  • Details of the alleged infringement;

  • Proof of your ownership of the Intellectual Property Rights in the violation material or your authority to act on behalf of the owner of such rights.

The Company will acknowledge receipt of all notifications within 7 operational days.

4. Evaluation and Removal

Upon receipt of a notification, the Company will conduct a preliminary evaluation of the alleged infringement to determine its credibility and legitimacy.

If the preliminary evaluation indicates that the claim in the notification is credible and legitimate, the violation material will be taken down pending the conclusion of our investigations and/or the reaching of an agreement between the Company and you.

Should the violation material have been provided to the Company by a third party, the Company will contact that third party during its investigations to determine the extent of that third party’s rights over the violation material.

If necessary and appropriate, the Company will seek legal counsel to resolve any matters of infringement.

After the preliminary evaluation, the Company will contact you to inform you of the outcome and discuss a suitable resolution to your complaint if relevant.

5. Settlement of Complaints

The Company will make all reasonable efforts to resolve complaints promptly and fairly. Possible outcomes include:

  • No infringement is found, and the (alleged) violation material remains unchanged;

  • The violation material is replaced without changes and without requiring licensing fees;

  • The violation material is replaced without changes under the terms of a negotiated paid license;

  • The violation material is modified to remove infringing elements; or

  • The violation material is removed and not re-published.

If a complaint cannot be resolved, the violation material will remain removed indefinitely or until a satisfactory resolution is reached.

If a complaint becomes the subject of legal proceedings, the violation material will remain removed, the provisions of this Policy will cease to apply, and the complaint will be resolved as directed by the parties, their legal advisors, and/or the courts.

6. Modifications to this Policy and Procedure

The Company reserves the right to modify this Policy as necessary from time to time or as required by law.